Friday, June 21, 2013

Mount McKinley, Alaska

Mount McKinley (photo: Cecil Sanders)
Alaska is considered by most to be the final frontier in America, and has stunning views of landscapes that can take one’s breath away. The wildlife can be a delightful sight because you may see caribou, moose, and even a grizzly bear or two roaming around the these magnificent environments. Many visitors come to Alaska to enjoy recreational opportunities such as fishing, hiking or just sightseeing. Alaska dazzles and inspires guests with all it has to offer, but one in particular, Denali National Park, has many excited.

Denali National Park is best know for Mount McKinley or Denali (Koyukon Athabaskan for "The High One"), which is the highest mountain in North America. “Denali, with 20,156 feet (6,144 meters) of prominence, is the third most prominent mountain in the world, with only Mount Everest and Aconcagua having more prominence” (1). It still gains 1 millimeter of height every year. The mountain grows by the convergence of the North American and Pacific Plates. The sight of this mountain and all its wonders will be something that you will not soon forget.

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